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For many years, we’ve provided the public with a wide range of theatre shows and performances, gallery installations and site specific productions.

We create and choreograph performances for other companies. We are looking forward to connecting with you for future productions.

Vangelis Legakis


Engaging With Local and International Communities

The Vangelis Dance Company was born out of a desire to entertain and educate diverse communities with exclusive shows and performances meant to inspire and proffer food-for-thought for what is dance and choreography in the 21st Century. Since 2008, we’ve engaged with local and international communities by providing emerging artists with opportunities to participate in our productions.

The Vangelis Dance Company encompasses a wide range of movement languages (Flying Low & Passing Through, Contact Improvisation, Release, Experiential Anatomy, Laban and Bartenieff Fundamentals), improvisation and choreographic methodologies which we integrate with the philosophies of chi gong and yoga so as to unearth a unique movement language that challenges the viewer, the performer and the choreographer. 

Our productions have been presented across the world in UK, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Greece, Argentina, Chile, India, Thailand, China - Mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Australia.

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Home: Mission


The Artistic Director of The Vangelis Dance Company, Vangelis Legakis, believes that dance can unite all communities of any background, age, gender and profession. Dance is Life and Life is a Dance. His dance language and choreographies aim to provide the communities with a series of state-of-the-art shows and performances that truly make an impact in social and human levels. 

The company recruits performers according to the project, country and performance venue so as to continue give opportunities to artists across the world. 

Three Sighs to Beauty

The Company


The Vangelis Dance Company was established in 2008 in London - UK. The productions we create are inspired by observing and experiencing the world we are living in, and through honest and truthful feelings we aim to inspire and stimulate our audiences with a sense of artistic wonder.

Our long year research on movement language, choreography as well as on sociopolitical concerns, psychology, neuroscience and philosophical values, enrich our subject matter to present state-of-the-art productions to audiences of all cultures.

Dance Theatre Productions

Internationally presented

May BE 2018 & 2019

Green 2018

Ephemeral Shades 2018 Commission work for Aura Dance Theatre

Liminal 2017

Light in Darkness 2016

Alphabet of Indeterminacy 2011

Three Signs to Beauty 2010

En-Pour-Soi 2009

In Between and Around Liminal Places 2009

Houses of Hell 2009

The Beginning of Something 2008

Aphanisis 2008

Installations in Gallery Settings

Dance and Interdisciplinary Studies in sculpture, photography and painting

The Disintegration of the Unreal 2013-2014 (China Mainland)

Undying Home 2012-13 (China Mainland & Taiwan)

Site Specific Projects

Move The City 2011-2014

in Collaboration with 4AM

Brno (CZ)

An International festival of dance improvisation and movement in relation to architectural and public space

Home: History


Unleashing the Artist in You

Vangelis Legakis under his trademarked holistic practice "Embodied Unity" is creating international projects and festivals that are accessible to artists and non artists. The incentive is to create the right environment with the right conditions for self development in dance and life.

Home: Upcoming Events


01  March 2021
Athens, HK, KL, Bali

The PADHA Program  is designed by Unity Space for the dance artists who seek to further develop their professional dance career. Dance artists will have the profound opportunity to delve deeper in different movement styles, somatics, embodiment, healing and spiritual practices to achieve high standards of dance and performance and become a pioneer of the 21st Century dance industry.



19 December 2020 - 6 January 2021

The No Borders project aims to bridge encounters between dance, music, photography, film, sculpture, conceptual arts and philosophy to create an environment for free expression and creation. The collaborators-participants will focus on channeling their emotions to express themselves by researching and reflecting on the subject matters of borders, identity and cross-cultural communication to identify, eliminate, and within such a collective context, go beyond their own individual limits.

Collective Performances

CBC | FTC LEVELS 1,2 & 3

10-31 October 2020

Contact Beyond Contact (CBC) is a dance and healing practice that integrates Authentic Movement (AM), Contact Improvisation (CI) and Passing Through (PT) with profound practices of qigong, yoga, healing modalities and energy work, mindfulness and leadership skills, proprioceptive and exteroceptive senses, somatics and principles of behaviorism, as well as the philosophies of Buddhism, Hinduism and Taoism.

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Pina Bausch

“To understand what I am saying, you have to believe that dance is something other than technique. We forget where the movements come from. They are born from life. When you create a new work, the point of departure must be contemporary life -- not existing forms of dance."

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